Thursday, April 13, 2017

Garden Plot Update

Progress continues here at ole yonder garden plot...

In what was a beautiful joining of inspiration and "yeaaah, everything else is way too expensive", my gardening partner came up with this idea to spiff up the strawberry bed with little raised beds in the middle and how cute is this?!
We shared WAY too many WAY too girly moments admiring just how "cute" our progress was.

Down the middle will be a path of creeping thyme which takes light footfall. cute is that?!

Lettuce, peas and pac choi are planted and the pea trellising is up...climb, babies, climb!

Beautiful dirt with peanuts buried and waiting to emerge (and the pac choi leaves are about the size of a sunflower seed and just adorable in their perfect little row!)

Of course, they haven't turned the water on yet, so thank the gardening fairies that our plot is about as close to the wooded stream as possible!
I grab the bucket and watering can and head off to feel oh-so-pioneer-ish.
It only took two trips, thankfully, but that was my workout! (Suddenly it started making sense why we seem to be some of the earliest ones out there and already have early crops planted ... ooohhhh .... riiiight. They need water when it doesn't rain. Huh.)

And then there are the zombie raspberries. On our first visit they were horrible, sickly looking sticks that were starting to mold. Ewww! Figured they would be getting yanked out.

And then this latest visit, I hear partner exclaim, "Are those RASPBERRY leaves?!!!"
Why yes. Yes they are.

Haha! we can't win!
So while we did make incredible progress on the disaster of weeds, this was not an area we finished yet. Figure it'll be next before we suffocate our crazy, molding and growing (?!) raspberries! We'll see if they produce.

Oh well, it's coming. Little by little, it's coming!

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