Monday, May 2, 2016

Tulip and Cilantro Update

Just thought I would share that more of the tulips (more variety of color) came up and oh it was just glorious!

Of course now they're just green stems and I'm strategizing on what to plant (I'm very close...and of course it will be my previous history has suggested.).

But they were spectacular at their peak a couple of weeks ago:

Aaaaand then there's the cilantro. Out. Of. Control!!

Since this photo was taken it has double in height and that is in spite of my going out nearly daily to pluck off the tops to keep them from going to seed. I think it's a losing battle at this point. They'll go to seed and I'll be cilantro-less for a few weeks and then the forest will continue; 
choking out my day lilies and getting themselves caught underneath the rose bush.

Cilantro, cilantro, cilantro.

In other news, my curries and guacamole are fantastic!