Monday, March 26, 2018

Seedling Update

Seedlings are coming along nicely, I think.

I'm at the stage, which always seems to happen to me, where some are too tall and I should raise the light, but others are still lower. 

So they're not quite as robust as I would like, but we shall see.

(I raised the light too quickly early on and then later heard that it should be within a few inches of the tops of the plants...that seems awful close and awful warm! But they do get "leggy" with long and not terribly strong stems when they're reaching for the light.)

I started wondering if I need to up-pot some, but then I think about the sizes of plants you get in these little plastic containers in the nurseries and I have a ways to go on these guys! Just makes me nervous when they seem to have stalled out on their growth.

I planted pepper seeds nearly 2 weeks after the others and those didn't take off (again, I think because I put them in tiny pots and they were too far from the light). Oh well. We had planned on buying pepper plants and only did the seeds because someone was giving them away.
Nursery plants, it is!

I think the flowers will do well.

I already up-potted 2 sunflowers and those just keep reaching for the "sun"!

Now we just need spring to actually get here! Such a crazy, weird, abnormal, cold March!
Temperatures are looking more normal towards the end of the week, though. I'm ready!

Thursday, March 22, 2018


Just had to capture my first little daffodils on the 1st full day of spring! We're estimating about 6" of snow that fell. And it's staying cold until next week...this is most definitely abnormal Maryland March weather! 
I guess lettuces aren't getting planted yet! :-/

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Well, with the regular lows of 20-something and highs of 40-something, all spring flowers have been stalled out for weeks. We are so behind on where they've normally been for this time of year.
Just waiting for that next warm spurt and I think they'll explode!!

Except it won't come.

This has been the weirdest winter to spring transition ever!
I've been looking back at previous years' blog posts and journal entries and where are the 60's that typically sprinkle our March?!

We did finally hit 60 yesterday and look...

Leaves on the roses!

And my first daffodils!

I was hoping to get cauliflower and peas planted like 2 weeks ago, but it's been too crazy and I got sick and blah. I did FINALLY get peas in yesterday.

Just in time for...

Happy Spring, Maryland.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018


Here they come!!

I went out for a little stroll (ok, it was definitely faster than a stroll because it was coooold!) through the gardens on Sunday.

And to my wonder and amazement and excitement - perennials are popping!!

Hello, little columbine

Hello, fresh new lamb's ear

I see you, sedum leaves

The mini-daisy-looking chrysanthemum is starting already!

And the hydrangea!!

Daffodils ready to pop any day now

Spring bulbs!

No idea what he was until I looked him up, but how cute!
It's a snowdrop!

Very soon it will be time for spring cleaning the beds, but I'm going to hold off for now since March is so finicky and some leaf "padding" might be good to keep in place for now.

So excited for spring!!