Sunday, August 4, 2019

Summer Flowers

Exuberant exclamations of delight when coming back from our trips, I discovered that I hadn't missed some of my favorite flowers in bloom!

The clematis was still blooming, the knockout roses were spectacular, and the peonies, though on their way out with the usual thunderstorm pummeling, made for a pretty in pink perfection!

Soon followed by the liliesdelphinium and gardenia...just lovely!

Most shocking of all was finding a foxglove in the midst of the wildflower border!!  
This biannual going strong!  Even after this many years of gardening, the surprises are so fun!

And speaking of unexpected flowers - I was super bummed that I hadn't gotten pansies in the ground in the fall, buuuuuut - happy of happies, they seeded themselves!

Yay, accidental pansies!!!!

            In a variety of colors!!

I'm also very happy that the honeysuckle came back! I wasn't entirely sure how well it would flourish ... or even survive! ... since it's in a pot and underneath the overhang above (meaning it gets little rain in the winter like the watering I give it - or am supposed to give it 😁 - in the summer). But bursting forth in all its fullness it is!


        More glorious color...


Those knockout roses!!!

Unfortunately, when you don't deadhead them (and the leafhoppers yet again have the munchies, so I need to get out my Captain Jack's Deadbug again 😑), the blooms die off and take awhile to return and often not in the original splendor.

Still, a lovely showing for a largely neglected little yard! 

(I finally got out a couple of days in between renovation musts and it took me an hour and a half just to weed what you see here! Above is the before and this is the after. Another day was another nearly 2 hours to clean-up the other side of the stairs and into the north side bed a ways in order to eradicate the villainous prickles that had been left untouched for I care not to think how long!)

Certainly is a hodge-podge of this and that, which I hope to streamline into something a bit more cohesive someday. [sigh] "Someday".

Awww, I really love our little house!