Remember how I talked about accidental transplants?
So I planted the pots straddling the sidewalk in front of the house...bright red geraniums, spiky grass, some little trailing white flowers. The usual stuff for generic, classical, symmetrical pots.
And compost...gotta add your compost to help the plants!
(You see where this is going?)
Yeah, another little friend shows up in your pot.
In this case it was clearly some kind of squash.
But hey, squash plants look cool; trailing down the pot with neat-shaped leaves. I'll just leave it because it's cute and it makes me laugh every time I walk up the sidewalk. (And not that it's really going to produce fruit, ha ha ha, but if it did, I like zucchini!)
And on day after a few weeks my husband says, "is that a squash growing out of the front pot?"
But really? It's in a 12" big can it possibly get?!
Ummmm....Ok, it's getting longer. Leaves are getting bigger. Whoa...really big!
I'm starting to think this is no longer a zucchini.
So once it's at least four feet long with dinner-plate sized leaves, I start panicking that quite possibly I'm growing pumpkins. Hilarious, right? I mean, at least our Halloween jack-o-lanterns would already be at the front stoop!
So I just let it keep going - marching itself down the tulip border.
Yes...I kid you not, that's what it looks like. Out of that little 12" black pot at the left trails a 10+ foot long vine with enormous leaves and throwing out more vines all the time. And blossoms! Don't forget the blossoms!
Finally the moment of truth has come. I look down at one of the dying orange blossoms and...
Oh my word, it's a baby butternut squash!!!!
So now I'm completely shading my hardy geraniums, but this is too hilarious to stop now!
And there is no end in sight. It's now reached the driveway and shows no sign of stopping.
("Are you mowing now? Oh shoot, ok, let me go out and redirect the squash vine out of the grass." Yeah. I'm a mess.)
I now have an 8" butternut squash and a little baby brother on his way too (you can see him down a little ways below the larger one in the photo below).
This may be my most hilarious (and delicious, I hope!) accidental gardening ever!