I received a wonderful Saturday surprise in the form of the thunderstorms I thought would be all day not starting until after 2:00. So I was able to get out and put in 4 hours of weeding!
I got almost all of the beds weeded!
This is a magical opportunity to be ruthless to weeds with my homi without having to delicately work around the spring flowers that already started sprouting and you're actually not really sure if they're flowers or weeds, so you let them all grow and discover that they are in fact 90% weeds that have gone to seed and multiplied and your entire summer is spent cursing them and yourself and the fact that you have no time to keep up with them. (Hypothetically, speaking, of course.)
The beds look wonderful, going from this mess in the edibles garden:
To this:
(Still the same white trash junk laying around, but we'll get there.)
Ready for planting!
(And that random green thing popping up in the middle? Just a tuft of kale I planted last spring that has just chilled there all fall and winter. Fabulous. The green closer to the house is cilantro!! I transplanted some last year and it is taking hold in the garden where it's supposed to be! Once it really takes off, I'll be able to pull it out of the flower gardens where I've let it go because...well, because - cilantro! Hello?!)
I also finished the wildflower border which is always the worst to weed. Between 2 hours last Saturday and at least another hour today, I finally got down to where the flowers end and the hostas start. Yikes, it's a lot of weeds!
Looks great!
Should have taken a before picture. It was covered - covered - in little seedlings.
What seedlings, you ask?
Ohhhhh, you know how I love my fresh cilantro and let it go to seed so it'll keep coming back??
Yeaaaah, sometimes those seeds don't stay confined inside of a sidewalk and the next thing you know your entire wildflower bed across the sidewalk is covered in cilantro seedlings. Looooovely.
So I very aggressively got in there and weeded the tar out of that thing. Not sure if any wildflower seeds/roots/whatever are still left in there to come back, but we shall see!
Meanwhile, the hydrangeas and roses put out buds over a week ago and today I found the leaves starting to open.
Uh oh!
I mean, if it stays like this, fabulous!
But it's February. Remember, little's February. You're aware of this, right?
So if you're going to be all "Wooooo hoooooo!!! It's Spring! That's SO dope!", be forewarned that if you pull an old switcheroo on us and freeze my little buds, I'm coming for you, winter 2017...I'm coming.
A few daffodils in the back look like they're going to pop!
The tulip border is looking incredible!
Incredibly crowded again. Oops!
All the little crocuses in bloom and tulips and daffodils poking up as well! (Sometimes poking through others. You weren't supposed to be here!!!)
Love the spiral the tulip leaves make...
The annuals that apparently aren't annuals. In fact, I cut away the brown so that the brand new green leaves growing can emerge! What?!
(oh, and they're budding!)
So much for my perfect plan of having the bare bed filled in with all the emerging spring bulbs and then having the perennials come up at just the perfect time to cover the dying spring greens. [Sigh]
Well, more green for all!
I looked at photos from last year and we appear to be at least 2, possibly 3 weeks ahead of last year as far as what's popping up! Craziness!
Apparently, it's Spring!
Oh...except for one particular fellow who's a bit confused and apparently thinks it's Christmas.
The camellia...a winter bloomer (we're talking dead winter: mine bloom in later November / December although probably with more sun they could go longer).
And yet here it is like, "ooh, ooh, pick me! I'll bloom early like the other guys too!!" Uh huh. Pat, pat...gooood, little bush.
Maybe it's because he's new.
So perhaps he's just confused because his first winter in his new home was a spectacularly un-blossomful one for him and his brother (but it was their first year; they were putting down roots and figuring things out and discovering that when you're out of mom and dad's house and on your own, laundry does have to be done periodically and dishes don't just magically put themselves back into the cabinets all clean. So come on, I cut some slack and figured they'd be all caught up by next winter! Or now. Oh...ok, sure! I'm all for new flowers!) He's the only one blooming. His little partner is not. So yet again, I appear to have gotten the {"special"} plant. Poor guy.
Welp, here we go into another, albeit crazy early, Spring with the plants taking off and doing their own thing! CAN-NOT wait!!!!