Yeaaaaah, so all those lovely, record-breaking warm days in February and what did we do?! Get sick, work in our home gardens, travel, do a whole bunch of other stuff that kept us from getting to the garden plot for clean-up...
But this week we made it.
And it was an ever-lovin' mess!!!

We walked up and are both like, "whoa."
"Okaaaaay, then. This is ... special!"
The tall bamboo poles with string around them to keep the deer out are completely fallen down, there are weeds growing out of every (I mean every) crack and hole in the weed barrier, trellises and poles and such all strewn around.
Pretty sure we were vandalized... wind, rain and deer.
Weeeeell, here's how it looks...

(Typically at home I lay the weeds out to dry out in the sun before putting them in my compost; I've also read that weeds, especially those that have gone to seed, should be put in a plastic bag and left out in the sun to bake for a month or so to make sure all seeding has died. Well, here at the garden plot, we're far too lazy for that!)
All in all, just so much craziness going on!
So we spent a whole 45 minutes or so doing some of the minimal clean-up we had time for to get it a little less like a bomb site.
Our highest priority, though, was to get seeds in the ground!
Hey remember that post-it on which you wrote "SEEDS" and stuck to your cell phone knowing you'd see it and remember to bring the seeds with you on the day we were going out to the garden? Yeaaaah, not so much. Grrrr.
Thankfully partner had a few new seed packets (and hence we discovered that we will have 5 varieties of lettuce...ok, more, actually, because 1 of them is its own variety pack!) and so we cleaned out the disastrous little bed and got in a few rows of lettuce.
Yay! Progress!
We strung bamboo back up and cleaned out the smallest possible bed!
Yeah, so our work's cut out for us, that's for sure.
Well, at least a little does go a long way when it started as THAT much of a disaster!
And with that, the garden is open once again!! So excited for another year!
(And this year we will definitely know what we're doing and have it down! ;-D)