Ok, can we say fail?! Pretend like I posted this in April when I actually started writing it, ok?!
Well, we are still under renovation, so gardening has taken a bit of a backseat again. I've only had a few days where I've been able to get out and do some clean-up and planting.
Yes, after a late start, we are finally, fully under way!
The first crocuses popped a few weeks later than normal in the 3rd week of March.
The daffodils shortly after...
The honeysuckle came back!
The row of chives around the stoop foundation is called mole control. They seem to hang out under there, so I thought if I "blocked" their entrance into the beds with a smell they don't like it'll help...?
I'm skeptical, assuming they'll just go under the bulbs, but hey, at this point, it's either this or I get real serious on the poison options :-/
And I didn't trim down the clematis before it started leafing, so I sacrificed some and left others...
And within 3 weeks it looked like this:
And just before we left for vacation at the beginning of May they bloomed!
Beautiful tulips coming alive in mid-April!
But RIP hibiscus that was a total skeleton, so I finally cut it back 😥
Except oh wait, that's apparently what it was waiting for an I'm an idiot! 😄
And happy, happy, happy! The cilantro is back.....aaaand totally consuming the edibles bed.
And look how cutely my pallet is doing!
I planted various types of lettuce in several places, which did splendidly (except for the kale that instantly got eaten by caterpillars again, so I just left it and decided it was the sacrificial crop that kept them off my other nearby plants! 😠) and we enjoyed quite a few salads!
Things coming to life in the wildflower border....
Knockout roses and mazus reptans in bloom with the clematis - such a lovely season!
Aaaaaand then we left the country for 3 weeks! (Well, 10 days, then home for 2, then visiting family for almost a week.)
And still trying to finish up those renos, so gardening stayed on hold by and large.
I'm very thankful for the plants that basically just do their thing with or without me. That was my goal in "planning" - to have mostly perennials that are minimal work.
The nature of a billion beds means the weeding is far from minimal, but good old plants just keep blooming and growing even if I forgot to cut them back and/or fertilize them properly and such.
Perfect! 😁