Thiiiiis one might bring a bit of a shudder with it - no offense to the poor little garden just doing its thing while I completely neglect it, but yeah.
Because of the never-ending renovations that started in September and then continued into - well, now, I not only didn't do an early spring (February/March) clean-up......I hadn't even done a fall one either!
So imagine my groans when I finally decided to take a few hours that I kind of couldn't afford off of the renos, but felt like I needed to give my yard, and discovered that grass had taken over my shade garden.
The plant with the strongest root to size ratio of I believe anything in the plant world.
[so many facepalms]
As it was starting to go to seed, I realized the situation was dire and out I went with every digging tool I have.
It was rough. I had to pull out huge chunks of the soil that were so mangled in roots.
I still haven't gone back to fill in some of the holes. 😑 Nor did I even get out all the clumps!
Cue "Home home on the range, where the deer and the antelope play...." |
The thing about this sweet little garden, though, is that even in its wild jungle state, it still has such life.
I mean look! It's completely taken over by weeds and has an old pot I just threw out there - I'll figure out something to do with it some time! .......
And yet this photo is lovely!
Accidental Prince William coming back to say hello.
Stretching up in the background is some kind of weed, but hey - so long as you bloom adorable little pink daisy looking flowers you can stay.
The groundcover in its perfect purple bloom.
Moss picturesquely covering the noble tree root.
And sunlight speckling through the trees above.
This garden seems to emit the virtue of patience - "No worries, get to us when you can! We'll just sit here and do our thing in the meantime!"
I mentioned that my friend had nabbed some colorful-leafed annuals before the winter and that I proceeded to kill them.
Except one hardy coleus!
This trooper not only survived, but went on to produce many children and grandchildren throughout the winter!
So you can't say I haven't done
anything for my garden this year! 😆
I finally put those out in the garden and boy did they take off!
And then there's all this (originally destined for a specific project I never got to)...
From this tiny bit of dirt! It tipped over and kept on growing! (And looks like took root as well! 😳)
Overgrown and a total disaster, but from a distance, it's lovely! 😁
Late spring / early summer:
Mid-summer when the Rose of Sharon are in bloom as well:
And end of summer where it's wrapping up (and brown and wilty because it hasn't rained in weeks and I finally just watered it!):
Very attractive large pile of sticks I haven't picked up all summer 😒
I hope to actually get to a thorough fall cleaning to set myself up for a great spring....heeeere's hoping!