The war on rogue cilantro seedlings is progressing well.
They are a nightmare to pull out...they're like flippin' tiny 2" tall, but with roots of steel!
However, when I pulled out the 20" tall plants from the original side of the sidewalk, they slip right out. What?!!
So I decided to leave the seedlings and let them get larger before removing them. It actually makes it easier because I can SEE them! I just have had to be vigilant about getting out there often so that I don't let them go to seed!!
I am very excited that my foxglove reseeded itself!!!
However, since it won't bloom until next year, I got him a friend!
And then I killed it!
Ok, I didn't actually kill it, I just left it outside in its nursery pot for one hot day too long and it was sadly wilty as shown here. I planted it, watered it and the next day leaves were perky and fabulous...although the blooms were destined to continue on their browning, shriveled state until such time as the next ones decide to pop.
Hopefully I can collect some seeds and get these guys on a continuous cycle to fill in their "off-years"...and so I can fill the border with their loveliness! :-D
Others are popping up nicely too...

The peonies had their 15 minutes of beauty (I failed miserably at propping them up this year! Didn't really matter all that much because a thunderstorm came through and turned them to pulp! It looked like someone plucked off all the heads and threw them on the ground directly below in a poof like a flock of pink birds exploded! Alas.)
And then there's this....
Oh, hello what are you and where did you come from?
Pretty sure all last year I had this random shoot with maroon leaves and spikes coming out. What? Weird. So I kept it around, but then would try yanking on it since, well...we know my affinity for leaving "pretty-looking" weeds in the ground and hating my life the following year.
And now here it is again.
It wasn't until looking at photos of my company's landscape and noticing a bunch of bushes that looked like strikingly familiar older uncles of this little pointy reddish fellow....wait a minute...
[scrambles to check the landscaping plan plant list]
It's a Berberis bush! Wait, what?!!
A) What the...?
B) How the...?
I'm at a loss.
There were some ugly spirea and icky boxwood that got eaten down to the twigs by caterpillars every year in that spot before I viciously ripped them out and planted my wildflower garden.
No Berberis.
But here it is.
So there you go.
Anyone need a Berberis bush?! :-D
(In all seriousness, I'm pondering another spot for it because...for the hundredth time, this gardener doesn't throw away plants. An occupational hazard when one is an accidental gardener.)
Sweet William that I shuffled to the right and back about a foot each so it was more centered rather than one of the tallest flowers being in the front leftover from the random sewing of years gone by.
It's in bloom with the Knockout roses.
Pretty sure the Hydrangea's ship sailed when it froze in April, but it's got little blossomy things showing up like it's trying. Sorry, guy, think your time is done. Very sad.
Oh and then there's that random, lone peony which is a completely different color than it's ever been in years past. (Deeper reddish fuchsia rather than bright pink like above.)
No one said it had to make sense!
Everything looks SO much better when I actually can keep up with the weeds.
I've tried to be so diligent about the cilantro (2017's accidental mass weeding) and the smartweed (2016's accidental mass weeding "aww, pretty pink flowers! I'll just let this clump stay because I hate future me!) and bunches of other kinds (2015's
accidental mass weeding).
I'm the queen of "hmmm, don't remember what that type of plant looks like as a seedling", hence all the weed misery. However, I will say that once I make the mass weed mistake, I really do remember in the future, so am able to actually WEED IT instead of waiting to see what it becomes (pulling out 849 weed seedlings over 6 months tends to make you an expert in recognizing them).
(PS - fabulous
website I just found to help!!)
So here's hoping that 2018 will be a glorious mostly weed-infestation-free year! ;-D
In other wildflower news, the pretty blue Nigella are coming up all over (pictured up close with the peony above); they're so light and feathery and just feel like they're floating!
(They're products of my original seed packet I started there....uhhhhh...and they also can look similar to cilantro after its leaves thin before going to seed, so that's special. Think I've got the hang of spotting the differences, though. Famous last words.)
The lilies are about to pop! The Daylilies have taken over a bit and need to be thinned, but at least they're covering the dying tulip greens (seen a bit in the lower right corner below).
And of course can't wait for my Shasta daisies!!!
Speaking of cleaning up weeds...I have a habit of leaving
picked weeds laying out on the sidewalk, a habit which
husband loves SO much! Sorry, honey! |
My neighbor gave me some Black-eyed Susans she thinned out; a kind I'd been hoping to obtain at some point, so score for free!
And I finally put a trellis around the gorgeous pink-blooming bush with delicate, albeit long arms that fall 2 feet into the sidewalk every year. I've wanted something cute and whimsical and metallic (preferable a whitish or cream color) and antiquey so it will be just the most perfectest piece imaginable to compliment my perfectly planted and maintained bed....buuuuuut {shockingly!} have had ZERO luck with finding said perfect piece - ok or any workable piece for that matter! - and seeing as this was the 3rd year I'd been looking and we were getting to critical "branch training time" was time to go with utilitarian: green stakes with green twine that will hopefully be hidden soon enough!
There are a few other things coming up that I {think} are flowers, not weeds, sooooo, time will tell, won't it! Stay tuned!