'Cauuuuuuuuuuse, so this thing happened where I accidentally grew like 6 tomato plants.
It's really quite simple. Let me walk you through it:
Step 1: get a tomato plant.
Step 2: watch it grow taller and taller and out of its tomato cage and spill over the empty pot next to it and fall to the ground by the end of the summer.
Step 3: chop down dead tomato plant - but make sure you wait until spring so that any bad tomatoes you'd left on the vine are able to fall into the pot below to rot to compost without your being aware of them.
Step 4: later in the spring, plant lettuce in empty pot in garden.
Step 5: realize that what's grow is not just lettuce...
Step 6: dig out what one hopes is are Better Boy tomato plants (or whichever kind you bought last year that you really can't exactly remember).
Step 7: replant the largest tomato seedling in the edible garden and put the largest tomato cage you have around it.
Step 8: pot the rest of the mini tomato seedlings in leftover containers and give to friends and coworkers with the disclaimer that you're actually not sure what kind of tomato it is.
Normally I grow dozens of mini tomato plants from the compost I spread around, however, since store bought tomatoes (that are treated with who knows what) of all varieties are mixed into compost with home-grown ones and so who knows what kind of freaks we might come up with (though, that logic makes no sense since it all has to do with the blooms, so I may have to reconsider this whole theory....I just don't think we'll get the best tomatoes second generation from the compost, okay?!)
However, these I feel quite confident about (famous last words) because I don't believe I put compost in there last year (it stayed empty pretty much the whole year).
So make sure you stay tuned for the adventure of the {insert tomato breed} accidental seedling growing in my edible garden right now!
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