It took hours longer than I expected, naturally.
Probably because it is nearly a month later than when I usually get out there. The weeds were spreading their greedy fingers.
It's also harder to rake leaves out when you're gingerly trying not to crush brand new tiny greenery.
Before (after I'd already raked a bunch out into the many leaves!)...
HUGE difference!
The plants are doing so well and growing crazy fast. So excited for this year!
I also spent time fixing my nearly buried stone path...
But didn't have time to raise the sinking right path or extend either...
And I didn't even make it all the way into my newest section of the garden, so the weeds remain!
I did, however, get to use something just too stinkin' adorable!
My Grandma got me this little gardening belt that says "Plant Lady" and has the cutest little pictures. However, bending and kneeling with a belt on sounds like it would be a very unfortunate problem of sharp / pointy metal objects falling out, so I had this genius plan to wrap it around my weed bucket!
Except for the part where I have to untie it every time I dump my weeds. Oops!
Still, it's real cute.
Hate to get it dirty!
I had hoped to get back out there this past weekend and finish the clean-up, but other activities meant my outdoor time was limited and what I did have was devoted to thoroughly turning the compost.
As in, removing everything in the nearly full bin, putting it on a tarp, then scooping out the gorgeous soil at the bottom and putting it in a wheelbarrow. I ended up with about a wheelbarrow and a half of good stuff!
Then I scraped it well and pulled out the clumps of tree roots where the oak tree next to it was like, "oooohhh!! Thanks for the fabulous fertilizer!" Stop it! It's not for you!
So I laid down cardboard at the bottom to help prevent that and make turning it easier in the future (raking / shoveling through woven clumps of teeny tree roots has been oh so fun :-/ )
Hoping that the cardboard lasts at least 2-3 years judging on the condition of what we put down years ago under the garden plot paths. Please!
Then piled back in the uncomposted stuff mixing the well-on-its-way stuff with the dried leaves I pulled out of the shade garden. And the bin is filled to the tippy top again!
So yes, much-needed project producing much-needed soil, but phew! I hurt!
And my other gardens are still in need of clean-up, not to mention being behind in planting summer bulbs and fertilizing flowering bushes. Gracious, spring gardening is too busy to be so cold that you can't start in March!!
Anyway, other thing that got "done" was checking the forecast and deeming it freeze-safe enough to move the avocados back out!!
Look how happy they seem down there! Wondering if this is the year they outgrow the bird house!
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