Monday, May 21, 2018

The Deluge

We are finally basking in glorious sunshine after over a week of rain - some really hard!

Our town didn't get slammed as hard as others further west (we're a little mini pocket of weather that is typically milder from most other areas in the state...even just a few miles away!).

Even so, we received several inches and my poor plants are showing it!

The roses and peonies just pummeled...

The sun finally came out yesterday, so we walked around and guess what bloomed in the middle of the rainy days?!

BOTH kinds of clematis!

Just absolutely beautiful!

Pretty sure that's as tall as the smaller, Jackmanii will get, but the Earnest Markham has now reached the top of the side and is stretching fingers towards the top supports of the arbor! Yes!!

The delphinium is starting to bloom. I will definitely have to tuck that guy back towards the fence for next year; it's incredibly tall for being smack in the middle of the bed!

Oh how I love all the colors in bloom!

Apparently the little white Chinese lantern flowers I planted last year like to heavily seed themselves!! (They're the larger triangular leaved clumps of plants in the middle.)

The lilies are all budded up too, so hopefully in the next week or so we'll have full color again!

Many things definitely grew impressively throughout the rain and I'm wondering now that the sun is out if they're just going to explode with blooms!

And I'm sure the weeds will far surpass them all! 😩

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