Sunday, May 3, 2020

Early Edibles

At the end of March things were already hoppin' in the garden...

My sacrificial kale was quite bushy.
(Thus named because caterpillars skeletonize it every year, and then it grows back and they feast again, and so on...all summer and fall long! But since they pretty much only care about the kale, I've decided to just let them have at it; keeps them from my other edibles, even though I'd love to have fresh kale :-/)

And since it was too early for the caterpillars to come steal it, I got a healthy little crop and enjoyed several salads!

And now it's 4 feet tall and flowering. Alllllrighty then.

It's also next to the sapling I've let grow for a few years waiting to identify it (it looks like some kind of fruit tree). This year we feel quite confident that it's a seedling of our cherry tree!!
We're going to re-plant it and hopefully keep it pruned to a reasonable size (our wacko cherry tree is crooked and scraggly and about 20 feet tall!) so that it can be netted from the birds and we'll get cherries!

Got the peas planted...

And now they are a couple feet high, though perhaps stunted because the cilantro shot up and will soon be going to seed in front of it...

And little lettuces!

I didn't get my tomato seeds started on time and found out I'm totally out of peppers and a few other seeds, soooo...this will be a buy a few established plants kind of year (if I can ever get to a store!)

I did plant quite a few flowers and two zucchinis (I really only need one, but two is safer in case one doesn't come up).

Several weeks in and only ONE of the flowers has come up!!! 😫 

But figures both zucchini did! 🙈

So time to just pop some seeds in the outdoor pots and they'll just have to be delayed this year 😒

My aspirations for edibles is minimal ... since that's my usual crop anyway! That bed really isn't great for anything besides accidental cilantro, some herbs, peas, and a few tomatoes that don't need to get bigger than cherry size. 

At least my flowers keep me sane!

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