Thursday, June 11, 2020

Black Gold

I mentioned that I  moved my compost bin  out of the clutches of the large tree it sat under and over to the side of the house.

It's been a dandy little spot for it, much easier to hug the house and under the deck when dumping stuff out in ickier weather.

And we've discovered that for larger pieces like watermelon rinds, we can just chuck them off the deck right into the bin 😆😆

But the best part comes when you dig down into it  ....... the moment of truth!

It's beautiful!!! 

Look at all that black gold! 

Finally! After 2 years of fighting tree roots, I have real compost again!!

And tons of it! 

So it's now fertilizing many a pot and bed!

Monday, June 1, 2020

Succulents Are Wonderful

I have tried several things in my  pallet planter, and then last year discovered the succulents are the key! They are tolerant of lack of water since this sit under the house's overhang and so only driving rain or deliberate watering get it wet. 

Loved this little red flowering succulent I found last year!       ➽  ➽  ➽  ➽  ➽

Welp, here's how it looks this spring!!

I've tried spreading it out and filling in the gaps...much harder when it's upright, though. 😒

This same red-blossoming succulent also came back in my hanging pots on the deck!

So I have finally found what I need for those don't-get-much-water places!!