Wednesday, April 12, 2017


Three years ago, husband and I raided the bulb section at the local Lowe's.
Along with the gladiolas and calle lilies (still going strong and producing more offspring every year), and the accidentally monster cannas, we bought some anemones.

No, not that kind.

Unfortunately they were a spring bloomer (so why they were for sale in the spring with the summer bloomers, I have no clue!)

Oh well, we figured they'd come up next year.

You'd like to think so, wouldn't you?

So every year since then we've gotten some little greens that get buried further and further under the bushes up front and no flowers. None.

I'll find the bulbs while digging and extending and relocating, etc., etc....and, having no clue what they are, will pull them farther out from underneath the bush and wonder what they could be.

And what to my wondering eyes should appear this year?!!!

Anemone flowers!!!

They are so completely beautiful and I'm so excited!!
Totally worth the wait (especially when you'd forgotten about them, given up on them and had no thought that they'd appear).

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