Sad news on the tulip (and other spring flowers) border front...
I mean, what is there is pretty, but they're just not wowing.
And it begs the it me?
Because there is a chance that it was the psycho cold, hot, freezing, 80 degrees, repeat winter to spring transition we had this year. A chance.
I mean, they started in early February and then got slammed in early March...
If not that, then it was me messing around with the bulbs when I expanded the bed and tried to re-arrange the bulbs while not disturbing the perennials (and perennials I thought were annuals).
Soooo...I may play again this fall and try to more thoroughly dig bulbs out, move some of the perennials (now that I know some stay green!) and make sure no bulbs are planted too deep.
I'm sorely disappointed at the poor showing this year. Last year was spectacular! This year, less than half came back up and some types not at all.
[cue slow, sad violin concerto]
Time will tell, time will tell.
For now, I will enjoy the beautiful things that are coming...
I see you little hardy geranium getting ready!
And oh the craziness of the tulips coming up through the perennials; what a mess! But they sure are beautiful!
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