Monday, June 5, 2017

It's a Great Year!

I am so behind on writing about it, but the garden plot is doing so fantastic!

Yet again, I had a few busy weeks and then a minor surgery (and I asked my doctor/surgeon specifically about gardening...yes, he considers it "strenuous" and a no-no after surgery. Fiiiiiiine!)
So this left my garden plot partner doing - well, basically all of the work. Not just all of the work on any given week, but almost all of the initial work that comes with getting a garden going in the spring - turning over beds, clean-up, mulching, netting, in addition to the normal weeding and planting.

I went there one day and was so amazed at how great it looks! So excited for this year!!

The garden, about 3 weeks ago:

Strawberries and blueberries!!

Raspberries (the moldy, "dead" ones) and the grape vine climbing lovely...

The beans in our little "cage" which is actually a no longer needed construction plan rack we rescued from the trash pile at work!

Lettuce doing SO well
Love our new little stepping stones into the garden!
(100% NOT my idea...nor my doing!)

And then there's the "ghetto potato towers", as garden plot partner refers to them...


 We had a heck of a time keeping them watered, so this will hold the water in (the benefit of towers is having multiple layers of potatoes upwards instead of taking up a whole bed).
She just pulled up a few that hadn't sprouted and re-planted some sprouting ones, so here's hoping!

Bok choi coming up and peanuts planted!

Starting to sprout, but forgot to shed it's cap - haha!!

And then there was that unfortunate business with the weather where we got down to 34 or something. Everything did fine except the squash...they were NOT so much a fan...

Poor little blackened leaves the next day!
Thankfully, though, within a few days they'd bounced back beautifully:

My little tomatoes are coming slowly, but surely.
The seedlings my friend grew are already twice the size of mine, but shhhh, who's keeping track (I am!)

 The garden 2 weeks ago:

The garden last week:

Itty bitty carrots starting and garlic looking great.
Lettuce is still abundant!
I actually veeeeery carefully switched the cages so the taller
ones were on the plants my friend grew that are twice
the size of mine. Min are coming along slowly, though!

Blueberries changing color!
And wow did the bok choi take off!
I pulled a bunch out and still there's more...
hoping it's not bitter since it already bloomed :-/

Usin' what we got! Partner came up with this ingenious
trellising system for the vining stuff.
(The peas seen on the right are reaching for the sky)

Squash are blooming!

Beans also taking off beautifully; no blossoms yet, though.

Well, things are looking great, so I just think we're going to have a fabulous year! (Be positive - no accidents - be positive!)

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