As mentioned, I was definitely checking my planted seeds way more often than the "7-14 days" germination listed on the package (in my defense, the color of the lighting reflecting off the little white balls in the soil looked an awful lot like green from a distance, ok?!)
So imagine my amazement when Wednesday (4 days after planting!) I saw this:
And then each day after several more popped up!
Until this morning where we almost all of them growing and the one sunflower absolutely skyrocketing!
I'm so excited!!!
So as suspected, the soil makes a very big difference! This is a very fine soil with those little water-holding (I think that's what they do?) styrofoamy balls instead of what comes out like mulch from most normal potting soil bags (even the ones that say for containers! {angry eyes})
The only bag I could find for seed starting was Miracle Gro, soooo...not entirely sure what else is in there and how much that's pushing the seeds along beyond just finer soil :-D
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