The seeds are planted!!
We majorly scaled back this year, so right now I'm just starting flowers* and 2 kinds of tomatoes.
Several others are direct-sow and we're going to try getting established melon plants from the nursery since those have never done well for us from seed.
Cute as those little toilet paper roll pods were last year, I saved the trays from my annuals last year since they're larger (hopefully not too large for starting seeds!) and so should hold water better and allow for more growth before needing to up-pot them (which I should have done weeks earlier with last year's! :-/ )
I'm a few weeks early on starting, but I plan to up-pot them before putting them in the ground and hopefully come April, I can start putting the pots outside - at least during the day to get them all hardy and strong for permanent planting!
Here's hoping!
Now I just sit back and wait (and check them every hour when I'm home because, naturally, they could sprout at any moment! Oh wait...the package says 7-14 days. This could be a long 2 weeks.)
*I planted some zinnia and 4 o' clocks leftover from my friend last year
as well as sunflowers and butterfly weed which were Christmas gifts!
How brilliant is that?! Seed packets for Christmas?!
as well as sunflowers and butterfly weed which were Christmas gifts!
How brilliant is that?! Seed packets for Christmas?!
After previously trying to fit pots into those ugly and highly impractical (for this purpose) round plastic pot bases, I'm very happy with my discovering the perfect alternate: pet food trays!
They're rectangle to fit more pots, black so they look fairly decent in the house and are only about an inch tall which is perfect for catching water and dirt, but still small enough to store well when not in use. (And they were like 3/$7 or something on Amazon!)

Great for starting seeds or plant clippings or those little friends just waiting for spring in the great outdoors!
Unfortunately I didn't get my coleus clippings planted quickly enough and so I lost a few :-(
But the ones there are doing great and ready for the shade garden!
Pretty jazzed about the $5-10 I'll save not having to buy that annual!
The "bedraggled" plants in the corner (husband's word) are recent acquisitions from a friend who started talking about her spider plants.
So she clipped some off and a couple of us divided them up and now they're planted and won't be bedraggled for long! They'll do wonderfully! I'm sure of it!
The other fabulous surprise is the apple tree!
The what?
Well...gardener extraordinaire (shared plot partner) found sprouted apple seeds in an apple and planted them. And they took!
She gave me one and it did so well and got new leaves and grew out of its little pot and so I re-potted into a bigger one and yay! happy, happy, happy!!
And shortly after that it started turning brown and one by one the brown leaves dropped off.
I was sure I'd killed it.
I kept watering it, though, a little bit...just in case!
But it wasn't coming back.
And then husband says, "well, they do go dormant, right?"
But indoors?
So I kept watering, just a bit and finally this past weekend, though I could not for the life of me get my camera to focus on it....
There's a green bud right a the top!!!!
So comes spring will be its first adventure outdoors and then once it's hardier, I'm planting it!!
And what do you to when it's snowing and so you can't take your indoor pots to the deck for adding more dirt*?

*PS - where does the dirt go?!
Does dirt evaporate?!
It's not like rain is slowly
washing it out of the pot!
It's not like there's a hole at
the bottom draining it out!
How did I suddenly end up
with 2" less dirt than when
I re-potted it months ago?!
You carry up mixing bowls full of dirt from the bag left in the tiled mud room!
Gotta get creative with that indoor gardening!
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