Friday, July 13, 2018

I love zombie plants!

Several years ago I bought some plants off of Craiglist. A soldier was being deployed so she sold her remaining plants and pots for cheap!

In one pot, along with the primary plant, was a little stowaway...a small tuft of purple shamrock!

After letting it grow with the other plant for a bit, I ended up pulling it out and re-potting it in its own pot.

It got pretty full and bloomed (though nothing like the stock photo to the left!)

Then my coworker gave me a bit of the same plant, but in green!

I put that in the pot too and both did pretty well.

I say "pretty well" because it's a small pot that dries out quickly and needs more dirt and probably some fertilizer and if I was late to watering it, it started looking pretty sad.

I was always able to bring it back from the verge, though.

Except this last time.

I can't remember if we were traveling or what happened, but somehow I missed watering it a week (or few days?) and it was looking real sad and I tried to keep watering and nursing it along and no.

Just no...

It was over. 

So, so sad. 

I did water it (meaning, the dirt 😐) another time or so...just because I hate to come to terms with my yet-another-failure.

I told my coworker about it and she asked if it was really dead and I showed her the picture and that stopped any doubting and she said she'd bring me another green one.

[sigh] Thanks.

And then a few days go by...

And what is that peeking up out of the dirt?!! 
A stalk?!!


I big old purple one and soon two more itty bitty ones to follow!!!

Plants amaze me. 
(And more so, their Inventor!)

There's just no denying it. 
The wonders that are working under the soil. Pretty stinkin' cool!

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